It was a cold January day, the afternoon myself, Nathaniel, birch, and gaycob met at WWC. As we sat down, gaycob instantly ordered a salad, as myself and the other men at the table swiftly declined. We had chosen to meet at a time that allowed for an unlimited wing deal. So immediately I knew I was going to blaze past my main competition, gaycob. As predicted, I ate 24 wings, and the little phony ass panzy gaycob, ate a mere 18. Mind you he was fighting the imminent urge to vomit the entire time. He even whispered to me in tender, feminine words that he was struggling to even breathe he was so full. As I looked to my right, I was surprised to see that Nathaniel had managed to stomach 30 wings. he even cleaned the wings down to the bare bones, whereas gaycob barely ate about half of each wing. So leaving this meeting, I had learned two meaningful lessons. One being that Nathaniel knows how to clean some meat off of bones. And two, that gaycob is in no way, shape, or form a friend of mine. I will also add that afterwards, I proceeded to flirt with gaycob a sister. I got them digits just to showcase my abilities, and then never called that deal again.